There are many options for funding a university education. This article is directed at ways to assist parents and students to pay for a university education for people that will have to use their own fundingt or with students loans. There are many ways for students to save a lot of money on their college expenses . The ideas I will discuss involve beginning the college process while students are in high school.
Many high schools offer courses where students can receive college credit. Classes may be in the school or possibly online . Courses include English, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics. One major benefit to these classes are that they count for college credit but the pace of the Editthistext is that of high school (a class that is completed in one year at the high school is completed in one semester at a college). This assists to transition students to the college pace and experience. Also, the cost for these classes are very reasonable. Some schools offer to pay for the college credit. If not, .the class may cost around $200 (this 3 credit course cost less then 1 credit at a community college or university ). Your child may be able to receive up tp 12 credits before leaving high school. This is nearly an entire semester of credit. The credits will transfer to most majors and will satisfy the prerequisites for more advanced classes. If a student is not planning tp pursue a degree in an area of math or science, he/she can complete College Algebra for (college crediot) in high school and may not need to take another math class in the college environment.
The next topic is the junior or communtiy college. Community colleges provide an affordble way to pay for all or part of a child’s college education. Community colleges usually have tuition rates that are about half of the cost of state universities . Students can study select classes, a 2 year degree program, or even study in a 2 year program that is directed at and transfers to a particular program of study at a 4 year university.
Below is an example of the money that can be saved for a resident of Colorado by combining both of the strategies discussed.
Tuition for the University of Colorado, Resident is $9482 per year
Tuition for Arapaho Community College, Resident is $5242.50 per year.
Tuition for 4 years at The University of Colorado: $37928
Tuition for 2 years of community college $10484 and 2 years at University of Colorado $18964 = $29448 ($8480 saved)
1/2 year of college credit in high school (about) $800, 1 1/2 years at community college $7863.75, and 2 years at University of Colorado $18964 = $27627.75 ($10300.25 saved)
If you need help with mathematics, please contact virtual math lab, online geometry, virtual algebra