In recent times, many natural disasters have been occurring in the form of earthquakes and tsunamis in South East Asia, and Hurricane Katrina in the Southern coast of the United States. Countless numbers of disastrous events happen in the different regions of the earth each year, affecting a large amount of peoples’ lives and dwellings so destructively. You can take some actions to contribute an critical role in assisting others who are affected by such natural disasters.
o Pray: if you believe that miraculous things arise in our day-to-day lives, then prayer should be your top priority.
o Blood Donations: In disastrous moments, there is often a need of volunteers to donate blood for the victims of catastrophes.Especially once a large disastrous event occurs, you may get in touch with the Red Cross to find out about blood donors via their crisis line at 1-800-GIVELIFE.
o Write Letters: you could motivate the victims of catastrophes, and aid workers, by sending consolation notes. If you stay in far-off areas and don’t have any specific means of sending letters, you may deliver your letters via local relief agencies, newspapers, schools and churches.
o Volunteer: you can contribute voluntarily by becoming a member of a Red Cross crew in order to help rehabilitate the sufferers of catastrophes. You can register for membership as a volunteer at the office of Red Cross.
o Fund Raising: you could run a fund-raising drive in your local area for financial contributions, so that the Red Cross can support the sufferers of catastrophes, and you may donate at 1-800-HELP-NOW.
o Donate Goods: once a natural disaster occurs, it is your ethical obligation to donate things that are used in daily life. You may buy some necessities of life for the victims of catastrophe, and may contribute by supporting other people’ disaster relief efforts.
o Shelter arrangement: if you have residential property and a vacant place, you may donate your property as shelter for the victims of disaster by registering with the local Red Cross disaster housing resources office.
The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is a well-recognised organisation that helps the sufferers of disasters, and its Crisis Response Unit is composed of doctors, engineers and volunteers. Thus, you can contribute in any feasible way, and join your hands with those of the Red Cross.
The Red Cross and Red Crescent organisations are known to assist people all over the world, following the basic principles of humanity, volunteering, impartiality, unity and universality, neutrality and independence. Its registered associates travel to undertake their fundamental objective of supporting individuals in the hours of emergency. Its well-trained and dedicated workers are always prepared to save people’s lives.
It supplies shelter to homeless folks, healthcare to sick and injured individuals, food to starved and deprived victims of catastrophes and considerably more. The volunteer workers and registered staff members of the Red Cross assist the victims of catastrophe by initiating reconstruction processes so that victims may resume their normal life. The standard aim of this organisation is to supply all the requirements of life to the victims of catastrophes, and lead in relief and rehabilitation programs.