To submit an online demand for free hosting here at indiandemands.com/demands, please first take a few minutes to read through this form, and bookmark this page so you can get back here easily. If you have additional questions, please consult the Indian Demands Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’S) page. Finally, take a few minutes to look at least two or three existing demands already running here at indiandemands.com/demands.
Then, once you have a sense of how our petitions work, prepare your demand statement and strategy. Hundreds or thousands or even more people will read your demand statement at this site, so before you submit, please do take the time to get it right. Poorly worded petitions with bad spelling and grammatical errors will be an embarrassment to the author.
Spell-checking is a bare minimum! We recommend using word processing software to prepare the text of your demand statement (which you can then copy and paste into this form when it is all ready).
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