It is very scary to me that polling shows the Republican Party possibly winning majorities in the House & Senate midterm elections. I don’t understand how people’s memories could possibly be so short. Do they not remember the huge mess that George W. Bush left the country with less than two years ago?
And it’s not only that Bush left us a huge mess, it’s that the Republicans have made a coldly calculated decision to obstruct everything President Obama and the Democrats in the House and Senate have tried to do in order to clean up that mess.
The Republican Party have put politics ahead of the good of the US time and time again since Obama took office. They have constantly obstructed progress while spreading many lies about President Obama. And now people are thinking about rewarding them for it? It is unbelievable!
When will people turn off the nonsense of the right wing lie machine and begin taking a closer look at what the Republicans want for the future of the United States.
I would love to say that it’s just a return to the policies of George W. Bush since that would obviously be bad enough. But it is actually far worse than that. By the standards of the Republican Tea Party of 2010, George W. Bush is a “socialist.”
Their agenda for 2011 when they hope to control both the Senate and the House include the following five things:
1. Hand Social Security to Wall Street. What’s the point of Social Security if it’s not secure?
2. Dismantle Medicare. Their proposed cuts to Medicare would gut this extremely popular health care program.
3. Extend the George W. Bush tax cuts for millionaires that helped destroy the US economy and greatly increased the deficit.
4. Repeal the Constitution’s 17th amendment. For some insane reason they think that people should not have a right to vote for their own Senators, instead party politicians should get to choose them.
5. Start trumped up “investigations” into the Obama administration. I’m not joking, they have already said they plan on starting investigations on anything and everything as soon as they get a majority. What makes this most ridiculous is that the Democrats never investigated any of the real crimes of President Bush, but the Republicans are threatening to investigate the made up crimes of President Obama.
It is because of this scary right wing agenda that I strongly support every single Democratic nominee running for congress this year. Whether it be <a href=””>Rick Boucher in the 9th district of VA</a> or any other Democrat running against the <a href=””>Republican Tea Party</a>. It’s not that the Democratic Party is perfect; far from it. It’s that the Republican Party in 2010 is dangerous to the future of the US. We are in too precarious of a position to let these far right wing politicians get any sort of significant power.
Possibly the worst thing about a possible Republican Tea Party win this year is that it probably would give Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich, and the rest of the <a href=””>Potential 2012 Republican Presidential Candidates</a> momentum.