Today educators are better trained , more effective, and more professional than any time before. Yet, as hard as teachers work, our societies students are achieving less and less every year. Why doesn’t this hard work translate into educational success? Why are our secondary school students not ready for college or career training? What factors are contributing to this downward trend in America’s education system ?
At some point our society , have determined that any type of failure is not tolerated . To assure that no one fails , we do not keep score in childrens activities , everyone receives the same prize at a field day event , etc. How are children supposed to discover what they are really skilled at, if we express to them that they are skilled at everything? How can a young adult handle failure or a career set-back if he/she has never experienced failure or set-back?
In addition , students have been trained to expect instant gratification. Many students are not taught to be patient and to do their best work . Many students get are assigned tasks and work as fast as they can and say… “Done !” The task was finished quickly , but was it completed accurately ? Also, students are told to use resources like the Internet for assignments . This can be a valuable tool, but again many students hurry to find the information they require , write it in their own words as rapidly as possible, and do not determining if the material is correct.
This isea continues in mathematics. Many middle and high school age students no longercan recall their multiplication tables. Students are given calculators and told to use them. The art of number sense disappears when people can no longer calculate figures in their heads or are unable to use estimation . For those that doubt this information, ask yourself and your teen-ager some simple multiplication facts (without a calculator) like:
What numbers divide into 36 ?
What is 8 X 6 ?
Estimate 7.9 X 5.3
You may be asking, “Why should I be concerned if my child can multiply numbers without a calculator?” To start, children cannot excel in advanced mathematics like algebra and geometry without knowing basic arithmetic. For example, If I ask a students to factor 12x^2y^2 + 18x^2y + 48xy^2, and they can’t find the factors of 12, 18, and 48, then they can’t factor the polynomial. Now you may be asking, “Why your student should be able to factor a polynomial?” The biggest reason is to pass the necessary classes to graduate . Plus, career fields in which math is used are in higher demand, have improved working conditions, and pay more than other types of jobs . Finally, if your child is good in mathematics , he/she will have a choice of career, instead of being pigeon holed into a job that he/she doesn’t like or doesn’t pay well.
Society needs to stand-up and allow our students to have success and failure. Stop giving our children test re-takes to prevent them from failing! State tests don’t have retakes, Universities don’t give retakes, jobs don’t give retakes, and Life does not have retakes. Personally , I have learned the most from some of my biggest failures. Help children learn what they are good at and foster their talents. Find out what your children are not good at, so you can support them and get them the help they need to improve.
If you discover that your child needs math help, there are many services via the internet, learning centers, and private tutoring. You can get help using virtual algebra, online geometry, or a virtual math lab