Jeffrey Epstein is a money manager and science philanthropist. He is Financial Trust Company’s current and active Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. He was the Trustee of the Institute of International Education, Inc. last 2001. Jeffrey Epstein’s financial investment profession began with the firm of Bear Stearns. His educational qualifications is in the field of physics.
Aside from his being person in the Trilateral Commission, Mr. Jeffrey Epstein serves the Council on Foreign Relations as well. He’s associated with the New York Academy of Science and formerly as a Board Member of Rockefeller University.
Jeffrey Epstein Foundation, the Wexner Foundation, The COUQ Foundation and also Florida Science Foundation are few of Jeffrey’s philanthropic affiliations. Edge Foundation is one of the group Jeffrey is associated with which members are excellent thinkers and high achievers.
Established in 1988, the Edge Foundation, nonprofit private operating foundation, grew out of a group known as the Reality Club, a loosely based group includes of many of the most interesting minds in the world. The Edge Foundation stated goal is to promote discussion of, and inquiry into, philosophical, literary and artistic issues and to work for social and intellectual achievements in society.
Its mandate is to promote the society intellectual and social achievement through inquiry, discussion of intellectual, philosophical, artistic and literary issues along with work. Edge will use all the works of the contributors and so as providing original copyright to each of their works.
Mr. Jeffrey Epstein is additionally an engaged participant the Theoretical Biology Initiative at the Institute for Advanced Study, the Santa Fe Institute along with the Quantum Gravity Program at the University of Pennsylvania. Additionally, Mr. Jeffrey Epstein serves as a member of the Mind, Brain & Behavior Advisory Committee at Harvard University.
What drives Jeffrey Epstein currently is his passion for charity on scientific thought and achievement. Over the last decade Mr.Epstein has donated over $100 million in grants and funding in support of both individual scientists and academic institutions.
In January, Jeffrey Epstein will play host to the Mindshift Conference on his private island in the Caribbean. The Conference will gather together many of the most brilliant thinkers and notable scientific brains to discuss, debate and dig into superior thinking processes and scientific frontiers.
This decade, Jeffrey Epstein has made a decision to have a more visible role in his philanthropic efforts, after many years as a behinds the scenes source of funding. A kind of support for the science like Mr. Epstein’s two websites has aided and developed these efforts: at and He’s encouraged and pumped up about the feedback from the scientific community of these recent announcements.